Home Products MRS-110 Video surveillance system

MRS-110 Video surveillance system

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“MRS-110” video surveillance is an electro optical system with a powerful rotating platform and with suitable daylight vision and long-range night vision and 20km eye-safe laser range finder. Having day and night target automatic track and capability of being linked to border guard radars and making use of native software, it is used for controlling borders security and for video surveillance. By putting several products from different locations in a network, it makes it possible for operation information of different combat units to be more effective in military operations.


  • Target video track in day and night
  • Capable of being linked to ground surveillance radars for effective use in border surveillance
  • Capable of being installed on different types of tripods and rising platforms
  • Having high image resolution at night by using long-range cooled thermal camera
  • Capable of being placed in a network
  • Capable of operating in different weather conditions with high performance
  • Having user-friendly native software capable of upgrading the system



Sensor typeCooled MCT detector
Spectral range3.7 to 4.8μm
Number of pixel256×320 pixels
Thermal sensitivityLess than 25 mc
Size of detector element30 μm
Focal length70/200/800 mm
Electrical zoom
Brightness settingManual and automatic
Contrast settingManual and automatic
Narrow field of view0.55 to 0.75°
Medium field of view2.2 to 2.7°
Wide field of view6.3 to 7.8°
Focal number4
Angular resolution power38 μrad
Cooling time7 min
Operational temperature-20 to +50°C
Detection range of receding aircraft300km
Detection range of approaching aircraft150km
Detection range of Karar UAV40km
Rotating platform360°
Horizontal rotation angle-20 to +70°
Vertical rotation angle0.1 to 90 °
Horizontal rotation speed0.1 to 50°
Vertical rotation speed0.05°
ResolutionVision camera
Focal length25 to 500mm
Wide field of view8.2 ×11°
Narrow field of view0.18 ×0.13°
Magnification60× continuous
CCD format1.3 inch
Focal range5m to extreme
Magnification adjustmentMotorize
Focus adjustmentMotorize
IRIS adjustmentAutomatic


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