Home Products WPT-11-200(2~18GHz) ESM

WPT-11-200(2~18GHz) ESM

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This system is a tactical radar signal interception sensor with immediate reaction for weapons association. The target might be jammed or handed off to a lethal response unit. The received signal can also be used for situation awareness and identification of the types and direction of the enemy’s forces, weapons or electronic capabilities. WPT-11-200(2~18GHz) can be used as an intelligence gathering system. The unique receiver technology offers excellent sensitivity to detect, analyze, and identify a full spectrum of sophisticated emitters in extremely dense radiation environments. The system can operate in an essentially unattended mode, displaying all the intercepted signals, and generating audible and visual alarms against predefined threat signals.


  • Installable on different platforms like ships and submarines as well as ground based applications
  • Great accuracy with one omnidirectional and eight directional antennas (for each sub-band)
  • Detection of angle of arrival, pulse repetition frequency, pulse width, radio frequency and radar antenna
  • Scan rate excellent sensitivity and speed to detect, analyze and identify all types of radar signals


Frequency Range2-18GHz (Option 18-40GHz)
Frequency Accuracy4MHz RMS (Option: 200kHz)
Probability of Intercept99%
Receiver TypeDLVA/IFM (Option: Wide band Super Heterodyne)
Sensitivity2-8GHz: <-65dBm
8-18GHz: <-60dBm
Dynamic Range>65dB
Super Heterodyne Sensitivity<-75dBm @ Analysis bandwidth=600MHz
Pulse width Range100nSec to 1mSec
Pulse width Accuracy<5nSec ± 2 %PW
PRF Range200Hz to 400kHz
PRI Accuracy±(100nSec ± 1 %PRI)
DF AccuracyBetter than 5°RMS
Azimuth Coverage360°
Working Continuity24hours
Power Supply220 VAC (50Hz)
Built-in TestYes
Antenna TypeOmni & Directional
Operating Temperature Range (Indoor)10°C to 40°C
Operating Temperature Range (Outdoor)-20°C to +55°C
Storage Temperature Range-30°C to +70°C
Power Consumption3KW
Humidity90% @ 40°C
Operation TimeContinues

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